Saudis Funding and Supporting the Iraqi Insurgency

July 15, 2007 at 5:14 pm | Posted in Bush, Iraq, Monafiqeen-e-Khalq, Saudi Arabia, Terrorism, USA | 2 Comments

Saudi Prince Bandar bin Sultan the former Saudi ambassador to the U.S. and architect of Saudi and Zionist cooperation, stands accused of funding the terrorist group Monafiqeen-e-Khalq Organization, al-Qaeda in Iraq, Ansar al-Sunna and Fath al-Islam. Baztab Internet site reported that the Saudi terrorist financier attended a MKO congress in the groups Ashraf military camp and donated $750,000 to the outlawed terrorist group. 

This comes at a time when the U.S. government has released a report that states that 45% of all foreign fighters in Iraq are from Saudi Arabia, as are over half the foreign fighters in U.S. custody. Thus pouring scorn upon Bush’s claim that Iran is aiding the insurgency; in fact it is Saudi Arabia, with the implicit support of the United States government.  


MKO remains on European terror list

June 30, 2007 at 10:21 am | Posted in EU, Monafiqeen-e-Khalq, Terrorism | Leave a comment

The European and North American based Iranian terrorist group, the Monafiqeen-e-Khalq (MKO), is to remain on the new list of European Union terrorist groups. Last December The European Court of Justice annulled the EU decision to include the group on the proscribed organisations register in 2002 due to a procedural irregularity.

The Monafiqeen-e-Khalq had sought to legitimise itself by insisting that the court rejected the decision, yet as EU officials noted, the court did not fault the decision itself, just the manner in which is was taken.

Any other decision would have fundamentally undermined the EU’s international credibility.

Iran replies to Blair’s sabre rattling

March 29, 2007 at 2:05 am | Posted in Britain, Iran, Pasdaran, Terrorism, UK | Leave a comment

Faye Turney in her own words:

“My name is Faye Turney. I come from England, I live in England at present. I have served on F99. I have served in Navy nine years, I was arrested on Friday on 23rd of March which obviously has passed internal waters.

“I was treated friendly and hospitable they are nice people, they explained why we were arrested, and there is no aggression, no hurt, no harm, they are very very compassionate.”

Rarely has the Pasdaran been described such. When members of the British created Jundallah terrorist group were captured they were asked to reveal all they knew, in turn they were offered a swift execution for this information: most willingly accepted the offer, which was how Iran was able to prove British links. The old adage is true, everyone talks.

The Iranian government was under no illusion that Turney appeared terrified: she was supposed to be. The purpose of the interview was not to comfort the British public; rather it was to demonstrate the reality of the Royal Marine Commandos situation: one of desperation, helplessness and fear, that it might pressure the British government to resolve this situation with an apology. Instead, of maintaining it current unnecessarly confrontational stance.

Blair’s bellicose has proved counterproductive; maintaining the extraordinary fiction that they were in Iraqi waters, when they were in Iranian waters, and threatening to elevate the situation to the “next phase”, has demonstrable improved Iran’s international standing. The Iranian Foreign Minister received a late invite to the Arab summit after the event occurred and received support from Saudi Arabia, no less, over its position. Both Russia and China have warned The United States against military action and contrary to U.S. claims of conducting war games, the Occupation forces are being decidedly less provocative.

Britain threat to take the matter to the security council, led to Iran threatening to retract its goodwill gesture of releasing Faye Turney. It may be possible to expedite the release of the prisoners by the return of the Iranian diplomats abducted by the United States, although I am doubtful: Iran wants a straight admission that the British forces were in Iranian waters. However Blair is not prepared to do that at this stage, thus he is unnecessarily jepordising the safety of those 15 Royal marines Commandos and sailors.

British Sponsored Terrorist Release Iranian Prisoners

March 27, 2007 at 1:56 pm | Posted in Blair, Britain, Iran, IRGC, Pasdaran, Terrorism | Leave a comment

Jundallah, the Wahhabi terrorist group released the three members of Iran’s Disciplinary Force (police) that it abducted in eastern Sistan and Baluchetan, earlier this month and then took into Pakistan, where they were held hostage.

Meanwhile Blair has suggested that if the British commandos being detained by Iran for illegally entering Iranian water are not released presently, the situation will move into a “new phase”.

Iran has said that Jundallah has links with British SIS, which of course Britain denies. However the release of these hostages would suggest otherwise.

State sponsor of terrorism

February 20, 2007 at 1:50 am | Posted in Iran, IRGC, Terrorism, USA | Leave a comment

Deputy chairman of the Iranian parliament’s National Security Commission, Mohammad Nabi Roudaki said of Wednesday’s terrorist attack in Zahedan, which martyred eleven and injured thirty-one members of the Pasdaran (IRGC), “the arsenals used in the criminal act were US-made, while the documents and proofs show that the terrorists were supported and led by the US.”

The Security Operations chief in the Iranian province of Sistan and Baluchestan, Brigadier general Mohammad Ghaffari had previously stated that three of the terrorists have admitted under questioning links to the United States and British intelligence services.

Nasrollah Shanbe-Zehi one of the principle perpetrators was publicly hanged in Zahedan on Monday morning, after he confessed on national television and admitted to British and U.S. involvement.

US and Britain behind terrorist attack in Iran

February 16, 2007 at 2:43 am | Posted in Britain, Iran, Terrorism, UK, USA | Leave a comment

It was confirmed that the bombing of a Pasdaran (IRGC) bus in Zahedan, which resulted in 11 deaths and 30 other casualties, was carried out by the Jundullah terrorist group. The Security Operations chief in the Iranian province of Sistan and Baluchestan, Brigadier general Mohammad Ghaffari said that three of the perpetrators were arrested in a raid on one of the groups safe houses. The three have admitted under questioning links to the United States and British intelligence services. British SIS have previously orchestrated terrorist attacks in Khuzestan.

US Abduction of Iranian Diplomats Denounced as Illegal

January 13, 2007 at 12:22 am | Posted in hostage-taking, Iran, Iraq, Kurd, Terrorism, USA | 2 Comments

Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshiyar Zibari has described the abduction of five Iranian diplomats by The United States Occupation forces as “unacceptable” and stated that the government of Iraq is urgently working to secure the release of the five hostages and that the Iranian diplomatic mission was working with the full knowledge and support of the Iraqi Government, and had existed in the Kurdish region for over ten years.

The leader of the Iraqi Kurdish party and President of the Kurdistan Regional Government, Massoud Barzani has also condemned the US military raid on Iranian consulate building, denouncing all the US claims regarding the Iranian consulate as untrue. KDP spokesmen Shokat Bamerni said:

“The Brazani forces due to none coordination of this operation by U.S. forces have condemned this issue and prevented the air transfer of the detained Iranians. Therefore U.S. forces were forced to transfer the detained via road and the latest news is that they have been given in to Iraqi forces in Baghdad.”

The city of Arbil issued a statement accusing saying the Iranian building had diplomatic immunity and demanded the immediate release of the five hostages, adding that “Kurdish citizens will never accept such behaviours which jeopardise security in their province”.

The Russian Foreign ministry said, “it is absolutely unacceptable for troops to storm the consular offices of a foreign state on the territory of another state,” adding, “this is a flagrant violation of the Vienna convention on consular relations. It is also not clear how this fits in with American statements that Washington respects the sovereignty of Iraq.”

The Demolition of Jamiat Police station

December 26, 2006 at 11:02 pm | Posted in Britain, Iraq, Sadr, Shia, Terrorism | 2 Comments

Over a 1,000 British occupation, with a token Iraqi Army presence, raided and demolished the Jamiat Police station in Basra, the home of the Serious Crimes Unit and the police station that British forces raided in a botched attempt to free two undercover SAS troopers in September 2005. The detained SAS troopers, much to the embarrassment of the British government, were caught trying to plant an explosive device with the intent of killing Iraqi civillians.

That the Serious Crimes Unit is aligned to the Sadrist faction and is without doubt, and this no doubt was the motive for this raid that followed the abortive attempts to form a coalition government without the Sadrist movement. British Occuaption forces are undoubtedly trying to provoke a clash with the Sadrist movement.

This act was a flagrant disregard for the rule of law. The Basra Municipal Council vote to suspend cooperation with the British occupation forces was predictably – Mohammed al-Abadi, chairman of the Municipal Council demanded an explanation of why the British forces ignored the rule of law and destroyed an “Iraq government building flying the Iraqi flag” and removed suspected terrorists. However, it is the reaction on the Street that matters.

Manufacturing Dissent

November 1, 2006 at 11:53 am | Posted in Iran, Khatami, Propaganda, Terrorism | 12 Comments

Despite serving two terms as President, Khatami is a forlorn figure in Iranian politics, his policy of engagement with the West and economic reforms failed. It was due to this policy of appeasing the West that former President of Iran, was presented with an honorary doctorate in law from the University of St Andrews. In support of the award, the University of St Andrews Students’ Association said,

“While it would be easy to oppose Khatami’s award on the basis of tensions which existed in Iran during his presidency, we believe Khatami himself predominantly adopted a brave stand to promote liberal values. This personal courage, combined with his subsequent work in building inter-faith dialogue and communication, coupled with his notable achievements as a scholar, make him a very suitable candidate for such an award.”

The BBC reports a dozen or so demonstrators turned up to protest the conferment of the honorary degree, which the BBC, rather disingenuously, described as a mixed reaction. There are an estimated 130,000 Iranians living in the UK, and at least 20,000 who are declared opponents of the Islamic Republic of Iran, nearly all of whom left Iran whilst Khatami was president. So the protests, could be best described as notably insignificant. Hardly a mixed reception.

However this conferment has been pilloried in the British press; the Guardian goes so far as to publish the spurious allegations and anti-Iranian drivel of notorious xenophobe, Islamophobe and proven liar Peter Tatchell, who is incidentally, a known supporter of the genocidal religious cult Mujaheddin-e Khaliq (a proscribed terrorist organisation).

Tatchell quotes the claims made by Safa Einollahi and Ali Ebrahimi of rape and torture in Iran under Khatami by agents of the state. This unsustained claims have been dismissed by the Met Police, “we consider there are insufficient grounds to make an arrest and there is not sufficient basis for a criminal investigation”, the latter part of the statement means that there is no evidence that the crime took place.

Tatchell also tellingly refers to Khuzei Arabs as “Ahwazis”, anyone who uses this term either is ignorant or supports British imperialism, for it is a British term and not common amongst Khuzei, whether Arab or otherwise. Tatchell of course would not know this as he has never been to Iran nor dopes he have any contacts within Iran. He suggests that the “Ahwazis” were ethnically cleansed under Khatami, which is nonsense. Most of the Khuzeis who were forcibly displaced in Iran are not of Arab descent, in any event they were not ethnically cleansed, they were forcibly displaced due environmental necessity.

Tatchell has a proven track record of lying about Iran. He claimed that Mahmoud Asgari and Ayaz Marhoni were executed for homosexuality citing ISNA as a source when they said no such thing. In fact, the two men were executed for a series of rapes of young boys in Mashad, the oldest victim, a 13 years old, gave evidence during their trial. When it was revealed that this was the case and Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, the European Union and the United Nations all dismissed these false claims, Tatchell continued to maintain them and suggested on the OutRage Website, that the 13 year old victim had probably consented to have sex. The website was pulled off line shortly afterwards.

United States waging war on the Iraqi Government

October 28, 2006 at 11:50 am | Posted in Iraq, Shia, Terrorism, USA | 10 Comments

“If anyone is responsible for the poor security situation in Iraq it is the Coalition”
The United States had begun to contemplate that which they previous said was unthinkable, defeat in Iraq, for that is what withdrawal will be. Iraq has been a military disaster: the invasion was ill-conceived and the occupation was more so. Today in an interview with Reuters, the Iraqi Prime Minister, Nuri al-Maliki, made it clear that the United States is responsible for the Iraqi Government’s current state of paralysis and is instrumental in exacerbating the violence.

He dismisses the tired response of Washington and London that their withdrawal is not favoured by the Iraqi government: “They think building Iraqi forces will need 12 to 18 months for us to be in control of security. We agree our forces need work but think that if, as we are asking, the rebuilding of our forces was in our own hands, then it would take not 12-18 months but six might be enough.” Thus the Prime Minister of Iraq is suggesting that the Occupiers should not need to be Iraq for any longer than six months.

Moreover, he unambiguously blames the occupiers for the current instability and chaos in Iraq: “If anyone is responsible for the poor security situation in Iraq it is the Coalition. I am now prime minister and overall commander of the armed forces yet I cannot move a single company without Coalition approval because of the U.N. mandate. So those who have the authority and could move the forces are also responsible. This should be clear”. Thus dispelling the notion that Iraq is now governed by a democratically elected Government. In reality, it is administered rather than governed (under the auspicious of the UN) by an incompetent, brutal and repressive US military junta.

This is important, because if one was inclined to believe the spin comming out of Washington and London, they are the friends of the Iraqi government; this could not be further from the truth, they have sought to undermine the democratic process at every stage, the Occupiers are waging war on the Shia government, opposing both SCIRI and the Sadrists, the bulk of the government, the major part of the coalition party that al-Maliki is a member of. It was Sayyed al-Sadr, who put al-Malaki in office. The Occupiers attacks on the the Mahdi army and the Badr Brigades are a direct assault upon the sovereignty of the government.

Al-Maliki points out that the threat to Iraq does not come from the Shia militias, as the United States suggests: “Terrorism and the militias are separate issues. There is a political plan aimed at making the militias the priority.” Moreover, Al-Maliki noted that Sayyed al-Sadr has forbidden the “use of force against the government and the Coalition forces” and that they are both in full agreement: “the efforts for all political groups should be focused on the most dangerous challenge, which is al Qaeda and the Saddam Baathists…At least we can talk to the militias, we know who they are. They follow Moqtada al Sadr, the Dawa party, Badr etc. We can talk to them but who are terrorists loyal too and who do they follow?”

This is point, that is infrequently mentioned that the United States is in effect siding with al-Qaeda and the Saddam Baathists insurgency in Iraq, by declaring open war on the Shia in Iraq. In fact, by trying to impose a secularist pro-Western government, the United States has abandoned any pretense of favouring democracy, and is once again trying to restore a brutal oppressive autocracy, no different in nature to the Saddam Baathists regime. To this aim the United States has re-centred its focus on targeting the Shia Militia, which is describes as “death squads” ignoring the fact that exponentially more Iraqis have died at the hands of Wahhabi, Kurdish and Baathist “death squads”, than have died at the hands of the Shia militias, and that the current wave of reciprocal violence in Iraq, is the corollary of the present security situation. The truth is that without the Shia militia the South of Iraq would be ungovernable and that many of the Sunni militias fulfil the same function in the North.

The United States also operates “death squads”, and on a far greater scale, al-Malaki accuses the United States of effectively engaging in terrorism: “Do you send in planes to arrest one person? There is no problem with the principle of arresting criminals but you should not harm people in the way you go to arrest people, spreading horror and at the risk of sabotaging political actions we have worked on.”

When Washington and London say they are in Iraq supporting a democratically elected Government, this is simply untrue; they are waging a war against that Government and against the Iraqi people.

Belgium Foreign Minister criticises senators for supporting terrorism

October 27, 2006 at 10:07 am | Posted in Iran, Monafiqeen-e-Khalq, Terrorism | 2 Comments

Following a protest from Iran, Belgium’s foreign minister Karel de Gucht, has condemned utterly the meeting between Belgian senators and Maryam Rajavi, leader of the Paris-based terrorist group the MKO.

Belgian news agency, BELGA, quoted de Gucht as saying such measures undermine Belgium’s position in fight against terrorism.

Belgian foreign minister expressed regret over the meeting between Belgian officials and leader of the MKO terrorist group, saying Monafeghin group have carried out terrorist operations and have practiced torture in different parts of the world while they are on the US and EU terrorist list.

De Gucht added Belgium cannot permit the wastage of its diplomatic credit through gestures which do not serve the cause of democracy and undermines the consistency of Belgium’s policy.

British Army Chief Endorses Crusade Against Islam

October 13, 2006 at 1:35 am | Posted in Iraq, Islam, Terrorism | 5 Comments

Britain’s new chief of the general staff, General Sir Richard Dannatt, in an interview in the Daily Mail made two interesting concessions about the “War on Terror”. The First, a concession that the Occupation of Iraq is a failure. Contrary to the assertions of the British government, he argued that the British presence in Iraq, “exacerbates the security problems…Whatever consent we may have had in the first place…has largely turned to intolerance,” and that “the difficulties we are experiencing round the world are caused by our presence in Iraq but undoubtedly our presence in Iraq exacerbates them”.

The analysis is hardly startling – it is self-evident – were it not for the fact that this is being said by the Chief of the British army. However there was also another frank admission that the war on terror is being fought against Islam, “We can’t wish the Islamist challenge to our society away and I believe that the army both in Iraq and Afghanistan and probably wherever we go next, is fighting the foreign dimension of the challenge to our accepted way of life”. This is far more significant because The Chief of the British army is acknowledging that this is a crusade against Islam.

It is clear from his comments that he perceives the British mission as opposing Islamism, yet the Saddam Baathist regime was secular; it is the present Iraqi government is Islamist. Thus we can infer that the British mission in Iraq is to oppose the Iraqi national Government.

Supporters of Endless Wars in Congress, II

October 12, 2006 at 1:19 am | Posted in Iran, Monafiqeen-e-Khalq, Terrorism | 2 Comments

Many of the MEK supporters were not even Iranians

By Paul Sheldon Foote

Al-Jazeerah, September 18, 2005

In my article, Supporters of Endless Wars in Congress ( , September 13, 2005), I expressed my opposition to the Democrats and Republicans in Congress who have sponsored or have co-sponsored the Iran Freedom Support Act. If this act becomes law, then the American taxpayers will be paying millions of dollars to support Iranian groups claiming to be pro-democracy.

The American neo-conservatives (neo-Trotskyites) in the American Congress support America’s use of military force and of other means to impose communist or totalitarian governments in the world in the name of democracy. Vice President Richard Cheney has been discussing the possibility of dropping nuclear bombs on Iran. Any Iranian living outside of Iran who supports America’s dropping nuclear bombs on Iran should be deported to Iran so that they can enjoy America’s exporting of nuclear bomb democracy, too. Vice President Cheney and the evil members of Congress who support the Iran Freedom Support Act should not be supported by any Iranian, American, or by any person in the world who possesses an ounce of decency.

With my satellite dish, I was able to watch the MEK channel’s coverage of the MEK protest near the United Nations on September 14, 2005. I was able to see the large number of red and white MEK flags with communist symbols being waved by the MEK supporters. Many of the MEK supporters were not even Iranians. As Kenneth Timmerman has shown in his posted photographs, the MEK paid large numbers of non-Iranians from other countries to come to America for a free trip. Now that Saddam Hussein is no longer in power, there are no longer millions of dollars of money being given to the MEK through the United Nations Oil-for-Food Program. Who is financing the MEK now? You still have nearly 4,000 MEK fighters in Camp Ashraf, Iraq who must be supported.

Unfortunately, Americans who watch the evening television news or read their local newspapers are unlikely to have seen the communist flags of the MEK flying in New York City.

Fortunately, Kenneth Timmerman took photographs of two protest groups (the MEK and the monarchists) and reported the names of the other protest groups protesting at different times or locations near the United Nations. Please see:

As Kenneth Timmerman noted, the MEK is on the terrorist list in America for a good reason. The MEK has a long history of acts of terrorism, including the murders of Americans in Iran and a terrorist attack in America in 1992. MEK fighters at Camp Ashraf, Iraq have held annual celebrations of the murders of these Americans. In Iraq, the MEK’s terrorist acts and war crimes include forcing Iraqis to stand in roads so that MEK tanks could run over and crush to death innocent Iraqis. MEK leaders wanted to save all MEK bullets for the invasion of Iran. Why does the MEK need to invade Iran? The reason is that there is nearly zero support for the MEK in Iran.

Unlike Kenneth Timmerman, however, I have only contempt also for the Iranian monarchists. I was in Tehran, Iran in the summer of 1976 when the late Shah of Iran explained on Iranian television why he had abolished all political parties and had replaced all Iranian political parties with one party, the Resurgence Party. After the Soviet Union and the United Kingdom forced Reza Shah to go into exile and placed the Shah of Iran on the throne, the Shah of Iran promised the Iranian people that he would give them a constitutional monarchy similar to that of the United Kingdom’s. The Shah of Iran lied. The Shah of Iran gave the Iranian people a one-party state with an absolute monarchy and a lot of corruption.

I do not support one-party systems of government anywhere in the world. The neo-conservatives (neo-Trotskyites) and American members of Congress who claim that the MEK and the Iranian monarchists are pro-democracy are liars.

President Ahmadinejad received the votes of a very large number of Iranians. There never was an election of Maryam Rajavi. Why do MEK leaders lie by claiming that she is the president-elect of Iran? MEK supporters were very active in the brutalizing of American hostages at the American Embassy in Tehran, Iran. When I was a doctoral student at Michigan State University, I attended MEK meetings. Some of the MEK students left the university to return to Iran to help the MEK supporters holding Americans hostage.

The MEK was founded in 1965 to oust the Shah of Iran from power. The Shah of Iran executed or killed in gun battles most of the original MEK leaders, except for Massoud Rajavi. The MEK is opposed to all Iranian governments except for a communist totalitarian state under the rule of Massoud Rajavi. Even the New York Times has reported about the future Pol Pot of Iran:

“This past winter in Iran, when such a popular outburst among students and others was still just a dream, if you mentioned the Mujahedeen, those who knew and remembered the group laughed at the notion of it spearheading a democracy movement. Instead, they said, the Rajavis, given the chance, would have been the Pol Pot of Iran.”

–Elizabeth Rubin, “The Cult of Rajavi”, New York Times Magazine, July 13, 2003

The neo-conservatives (neo-Trotskyites) and the Democrats and Republicans in Congress who support the Iran Freedom Support Act are the worst terrorists in the world today. They threaten to drop nuclear bombs on Iran and impose another Pol Pot. Pol Pot was able to murder only approximately 25% to 33% of his people until the communist government of Vietnam sent its military to stop the genocide by the communist Pol Pot.

America does not want to bomb Iran and to impose the MEK because of democracy. Instead, the Iranian people want to be free to (1) sell their oil in Euros instead of using American dollars and (2) to start an oil exchange in 2006 instead of using oil exchanges in New York.

The truth is that there is more capitalism and democracy in Iran and in many other countries today than there is in America. America’s political leaders are attempting to impose a communist government in Iran today (just as they did in 1959 in Cuba with Fidel Castro, the “George Washington of Cuba”). America is making these threats against Iran (and warnings against people in other countries who dare to be free). Most Americans do not understand yet how the neo-conservatives (neo-Trotskyites) in the Democratic and Republican parties are destroying America. They do not know that countries other than Iraq and Iran will stop using the American dollar or making investments in America. When there is a major depression in America or another terrorist attack in America, American dupes will have a choice: become educated and oust the neo-conservative (neo-Trotskyite) Democrats and Republicans or respond by bombing every country in the world refusing to hold American dollars and have American-supported totalitarians as their leaders.

Recommended Books on the MEK (Rajavi Cult)

Singleton, Anne, Saddam’s Private Army: How Rajavi Changed Iran’s Mojahedin from Armed Revolutionaries to an Armed Cult, Iran-Interlink (UK), 2003. ISBN: 0-9545009-0-3.

Available from the United Kingdom:

This is the best single book available today on the MEK. Unfortunately, no American publisher is promoting this book in America. You must order it from the United Kingdom. The British author and her Iranian husband spent approximately 20 years inside the MEK, including time at Camp Ashraf, Iraq. She included extensive discussions of cult techniques and of why it is difficult to leave the MEK (Rajavi Cult) even in the United Kingdom.

Banisadr, Masoud, Masoud: Memoirs of an Iranian Rebel, Saqi Books, 2004. ISBN 0863563740

Available from many sources in America, such as:

This Iranian author spent nearly 20 years of his life in the MEK, including at Camp Ashraf, Iraq. He described brainwashing and torture of MEK cult members at Camp Ashraf, Iraq. Unlike some MEK cult members, he did not die from the punishment. After leaving the MEK (Rajavi Cult), he wrote a lengthy book explaining exactly how the MEK finds new members and how it brainwashes and tortures its members. Abrahamian, Ervand, The Iranian Mojahedin, Yale University Press, New Haven, Connecticut, 1989. ISBN 0-300-05267-7

Available from many sources in America, such as:

While this book has not been updated since 1989, it contains the scholarly research of an Iranian-American professor who interviewed Massoud Rajavi and other MEK leaders.Democracy Betrayed: A Response to U.S. State Department Report on the Mojahedin and the Iranian Resistance, Foreign Affairs Committee, National Council of Resistance of Iran, B.P. 18, 95430 Auvers-sur-Oise, France,1995.Available for free downloading from some Web sites of the MEK or of MEK supporters, such as:

This is my favorite of the free books the MEK and its front groups have posted online because: (1) this book is an excellent example of how communist groups claim to be democratic. The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and the People’s Republic of China are examples of totalitarian countries claiming to be democratic (2) this book contains some of the names of the members of Congress the MEK likes, such as Senator John Kerry, 2004 Democratic Party candidate for President.

Recommended Web Sites about the MEK (Rajavi Cult)


This is Anne Singleton’s Web site in the United Kingdom. The content includes extensive documentation about the MEK (Rajavi Cult), stories of cult members who have escaped from the MEK, and a lot of European documents the American neo-conservatives (neo-Trotskyites) do not want Americans to read. Iran Didban

This Iranian Web site contains massive amounts of documents on the MEK (Rajavi Cult) in English, French, Arabic, and in Persian (Farsi).

Traitors USA

My Yahoo! Group contains all of my postings plus the postings of members who choose to join the group.

At Traitors USA, I welcome researched postings by MEK supporters and opponents. I look forward to seeing your researched posting at Traitors USA.

Khoda hafez shoma,

Professor Paul Sheldon Foote

California State University, Fullerton PO Box 6848 800 North State College Fullerton, CA 92834-6848 USA

Christian Terrorist Hijacks Plane

October 4, 2006 at 9:28 am | Posted in Terrorism | Leave a comment

Hakan Ekinci, a Christian convert and deserter from the Turkish army, motivated by Pope’s anti-Islamic speech, hijacked a Boeing 737 flying out of Tirana, Albania to Istanbul, Turkey. In a letter to the Pope on 30 August 2006, he had declared “I am a Christian and I don’t want to serve in a Muslim army,” although Turkey is a secular state ruled by a notoriously anti-Islamic military junta, so clearly the army is not Muslim.

The Pope’s defamation of Islam was obviously going to lead to greater political tension between Christians and Muslims, thus it was entirely foreseeable that his words would be interpreted as an endorsement of political violence against Islam.

It will be interesting to see what the Pope’s reaction will be.

The Bombing of St Mary’s

September 27, 2006 at 12:33 pm | Posted in Iraq, Terrorism | 1 Comment

On Monday morning, two car bombs went off outside the Assyrian Orthodox Church of St Mary. Typical Western media response “Muslim extremist reacting to the Pope remarks”.

They failed to consider the possibilty that as Iraq is in the grips of civil war they might have been an altogether motive. Even the Assyrian Christians reject that this has anything to do with the Pope’s speech.

The Assyrian Orthodox Patriarch recently visited Kurdistan, which invoked critisism from Christians and Sunnis alike. Both are effectively at war with the Kurdish militias. It was a warning to the Patriarch.

The Western Misrepresentation of Iraqi Factionalism

June 16, 2006 at 9:27 pm | Posted in Iraq, Terrorism | Leave a comment

If you were inclined to accept what you read in the Western mainstream media (MSM), regarding Iraqi factionalism, you could be forgiven for believing that the Police Commando Death Squads are Shia militiamen from the Mahdi Army and the Badr Brigades; you could also be forgiven for believing that the death squads operated with the approval of the Interior Ministry and the Shia Alliance; you could also be forgiven for believing that most of the deaths in Iraq were caused by these Shia militias; and you would also be forgiven for thinking that the Kurdish region is relatively free from ethnic conflict and that Kurds play no part in the “insurgency”. In the regard the Western MSM is guilty of perpetuating a lie – there is enough information coming out of Iraq for the Western MSM to know this is palpable nonsense.

Firstly, death squads are not limited to one ethnic group or religious sect; all militias are involved in sectarian and ethnic violence, none more so than the Kurdish Pesh Merga. Even prior to the invasion of Iraq, the Kurdish Pesh Merga with the support of the United States had adopted a policy of ethnic cleansing. The United States refers to the policy of supporting friendly death squads in Iraq as “the Salvador option”. However, the Western MSM consistently links the Police Commando Death Squads, to the Badr Brigades and the Mahdi army and hints at Iranian involvement, which is exemplified in the New York Times article, “Oil, Politics and Bloodshed Corrupt an Iraqi City”, notwithstanding that not evidence has been produced to prove this sectarian assertion. Not even scant regard is given to Sayyed Abdul Aziz Hakim, the leader of the SCIRI, emphatic denial of Badr involvement and accusation that the United States is obstructing the Ministry of the Interior and therefore exacerbating the conflict, made in an interview with the Washington Post. Apparently the Bush administration has more credibility than the senior figure in the Shia alliance and brother of the Shia political leader, Ayatullah Sayyed Mohammed Baqir al-Hakim (ra), until his assassination in August 2003, which the United States are widely suspected of having a hand in.

What is notable about the Police Commando Death Squads is that they wear police commando uniforms and balaclavas. Why is this?

Having spoken to many Iraqis, both living in Baghdad and Basra, I am struck by the logical paradox with the Western MSM assertion: neither the Badr Brigades nor the Mahdi Army would have any need to wear the Police Commando Uniforms. They do not need the uniforms to travel incognito; they are able to pass themselves off as Arabs with a greater degree of success than occupation forces, due to the rather obvious fact, that in the main they are! Nor is it a sensible means of concealing their sectarian and political affiliations, given that they are associated with the police commandos. It is far more likely that these death squads are populated by Occupation forces and Kurdish Pesh Merga, both of whom are would need to obscure their faces to conceal their ethnicity, as is evident when the British SAS were caught carrying out an attack on a police station in Basra. Moreover, should the Badr Brigades and Mahdi Army wish to carry out attacks, they have previously always done so openly and not in disguise.

Yet it would suit US foreign policy for the Kurds to be dissociated from both the “insurgency” and inter factional violence (or civil war), a view the Western MSM largely perpetuates, notwithstanding that it is palpable nonsense. The attempt to create a Kurdistan is arguably the greatest obstacle to peaceful resolution to the civil war in Iraq. The Assyrian media publication, AINA describes the present situation thus:

“In the bizarre and twisted reality of Iraq, the indigenous people of Mesopotamia (including Iraq), driven to the brink of extinction by genocide, are today humiliatingly reduced to just “another minority” seeking power. This by the Kurds no less, who have been painted as the victims of the Middle East, instead of genocide deniers and occupiers, which in fact, they are. Thanks to the same Western lobby groups paid by the billions of dollars the Kurds have reaped from northern Iraq’s natural resources and border tariffs which they’ve controlled since the Safe Haven was established. Also thanks to the U.S. Administration and its allies eager to topple Saddam and find in Iraq their “Northern Alliance”.”

Hamid Afandi, PDK minister of Pesh Merga affairs describes Kirkuk as the “most important place to Kurdish people”, it is also the most important place to the Sunni Arabs and Turks, who are indigenous to the region, since it is an oil rich city. An independent or fully autonomous Kurdistan would be less attractive to foreign investors and Kurds without Kirkuk, yet it is inconceivable that Sunni Arabs would or could concede this territory to the Kurds. Thus Afandi says of Kirkuk and Mosul:

“We’d use the Saddam plan, not America’s plan. I would send more than 10,000 peshmerga and we’d destroy them. We’d kill them in the middle of the street and make the people afraid. The U.S. should attack the families of terrorists, and knock down their houses”.

The internal Kurdish conflicts are hardly alluded to in the Western MSM, yet this undermines the very concept of a Kurdish region. At present there are effectively two Kurdish regions, one run by Iraqi President, Jalal Talabani and the PUK and the other by the pompously described, Kurdistan Regional Government Prime Minister, Massoud Barzani and the PDK . The cease fire between these two factions is tentative at best. 1996 during a civil war in the then autonomous Kurdish region, the PDK with the approval of the United States and the assistance of the Iraqi army tried to massacre the more Left Wing PUK. At present, the Kurdish region is essentially two separate corrupt fascist dictatorships.

“Each party set up its own capital and formed its own cabinet, a divided situation that still exists today. The parties control virtually every aspect of Kurdish life.

For the December 15 elections, the two parties were merged together to increase their seats in parliament, and forced the small ones to do so as well. After the Kurdistan Islamic Union, a small party in PDK territory, pulled out of the coalition, their offices in five separate cities were simultaneously shot-up and torched. According to news reports, four Islamic Union party members were killed–two shot in the head.” ( “Bush’s Hopes in the Hands of Kurdish Gangsters” – The Brooklyn Rail).

The PDK is rarely referred to at all in the Western MSM, with good reason given its sixty year history of genocide, ethnic cleansing, terrorism and organised crime. When it is mentioned it is usually described as a rival Kurdish political movement to the PUK, in truth the PDK is better described as a private militia run Barzani family. Whilst both these political organisations have come to a political accommodation with Iran, particularly the PUK, and no longer seek expansion into Turkish territory, the Kurdish PKK terrorist group that has declared war on Turkey, Syria and Iran maintains bases in the Kurdish region, and is largely allowed to operate unfettered. Moreover, not that you would know it from reports in the Western MSM, al-Qaeda in Iraq (Tawhid and Jihad) is a Kurdish group, as is Ansar al-Islam. Hence the reason that so much of al-Qaeda in Iraq’s attacks, target the Kurdish Pesh Merga and the PUK and KDP, including the reprisal for the assassination of al-Zarqawi’s. Yet, al-Zarqawi and al-Qaeda in Iraq are always identified as an extreme faction in the Sunni insurgency and never as part of the Kurdish insurgency, notwithstanding that there is no relationship between Al-Qaeda in Iraq and the Sunni resistance.

Another even more absurd Western MSM distortion is that the United States is seeking to bring an end to factionalism and arrest the current civil war. Nothing could be further from the truth, the United States has actively destabilised the Iraqi government. It was the Occupiers and not the Iraqis electorate that determined the balance of power in the Iraqi election. Both Iraqi national elections have seen the Shia Alliance achieve a majority of the popular vote, something the Labour Party did not come close to doing in the British 2005 election, yet both Shia Alliance administrations have been forced into an unhappy and ultimately futile coalition with other political entities, and have been cobbled by US interference, which has exacerbated instability and sectarian and ethnic conflict.

Notwithstanding the conflicts between SCIRI, Fadhila and Dawa, which are not irresolvable, the Shia Alliance, if allowed and with Iranian support, could at least make the greater part of Iraq governable, rather than just the green zone. Nor is a compromise with the Sunni Arabs insurmountable; in essence, they not unreasonably want an autonomous region that includes Kirkuk and Mosul and an end in sight to the occupation. Yet the United States is hostile to Shia hegemony in the region, preferring to give tacit succour to Kurdish expansionism, whilst not fully supporting it, and blaming Iran for the current state of anarchy in Iraq , when in truth, it is Iran that is preventing all out civil war.

Former British MI5 Agent Says ‘Many Similarities’ Between London Bombings And 9/11

March 6, 2006 at 11:43 am | Posted in Terrorism | Leave a comment

By Greg Szymanski

A former British intelligence agent, jailed in 2002 for linking the British government with paying an Islamic militant group $160,000 in a failed assassination attempt on Colonel Mu’ammar al-Qadhafi of Libya, said this week the recent London bombings have all the earmarks of an inside job just like 9/11.

“It’s amazing how many aspects of the two events are so similar,” said David Shayler, the former MI5 agent and whistle blower, in a telephone conversation this week from his home in Eastbourne on the southern coast of England.
Shayler, a thorn in the British government’s side ever since he blew the whistle in 1997 about rampant corruption within both arms of British intelligence, MI5 (domestic) and MI6 (foreign), said he has just began looking into the details of the 7/7 attacks, but what’s being released through the press and government reports shows a strikingly similar pattern to what he calls “the same type of misinformation thrown out after 9/11.”

“First, we learn about the training exercises going on here just like 9/11. Next, they release suspicious evidence left behind by the culprits as well as quickly releasing identifying pictures of the suspects just like the did after 9/11,” he said.

Shayler added that what’s even more suspicious is the private security firm in charge of the training drills prior to 7/7 had ties to former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani. Further, he also received information that one of the named suicide bombers, whose picture was released in the London press, has turned up alive and well in Pakistan.

“Just like in the United States, we here in England are being bombarded with what looks like a lot of misinformation in the press,” said Shayler. “Apparently, one of the supposed suicide bombers has turned up alive just like six or seven of the 19 Arab hijackers turned up alive after 9/11.”

Asked about the sentiment in Britain towards President Bush and Prime Minister Tony Blair’s support of America’s war on terror after the London bombings claimed more than 50 lives, he said:

“To put it politely, there is downright hatred for Bush here on the streets of London. Many Brits feel, as I do, that he led us into this war and is actually responsible for making England a more dangerous place to live now than before the illegal war in Iraq.

“And after the release of the Downing Street Memo, which clearly provides high-level documented evidence from the head of M16 that Bush and Blair lied about the threat of WMD in Iraq, I think most of the British people are simply fed up but at the same time frightened at what might happen next.

“The British people would simply like to get rid of Blair, but unlike America, we have no political means set up to do this. However, most people here feel that Tony Blair actually acts more like the First Envoy to America rather than England’s Prime Minister.

Besides believing the London bombing was an inside job, Shayler also believes 9/11 was a staged event, saying the cover-up of hard evidence and eye witness testimony contradicting the official story are the main ingredients first leading him to believe the U.S. government caused 9/11 in order to create a world wide climate of fear and war.

“It’s a crime to obstruct justice and that is exactly what the American authorities did when they allowed FEMA to haul away all the steel from the World Trade Center, shipping it to China,” said Shayler. “Now this type of cover-up tells me right-off the authorities are hiding something much bigger, something that needs answering.

“The more I look at 9/11, the more I am convinced it was a staged event. I am convinced the U.S. government manipulated events – let it happen – to create a trigger for the invasion of Afghanistan, the invasion of Iraq and of course what they’re trying to do now with the imminent invasions of Iran and Syria.”
Shayler said FBI intercepts, failed defense protocols and the suspicious activities of a number of officials in various government agencies days, weeks and months prior to 9/11 also directly point to an inside job.

Besides the government irregularities and cover-up, he also suggests 9/11 was most likely also intended to be, from an intelligence strategist’s view, an attempt at a larger coup de’tat to take over the American government and bring martial law.

“You have to remember that there were weapons discovered on planes that didn’t take off on 9/11. Now people have obviously postulated that they were going perhaps to attack the White House or Capitol Hill. That looks to me like an attempt to destroy American government and declare a state of emergency, in fact a coup de’tat, a violent coup de’tat.”

Making analogies between explosives used in IRA bombings he investigated while working on the Irish resistance, he said it was virtually impossible for jet fuel, as the American government contends, to bring down the Twin Towers.
He compared the WTC to an IRA bombing in front of the Baltic Exchange Building in Bishopsgate, saying a thousand tons of homemade explosives were used without a much smaller building collapsing.

“So you are telling me the World Trade Center collapsed from jet fuel? It’s highly suspicious if not impossible,” said Shayler. “And then ask yourself about the suspicious nature of Building No. 7. It all looks to me like a controlled demolition.”

Regarding the bigger intelligence picture and the state of the world with increased terrorism now erupting in London and Egypt, Shayler drew the battle lines facing both the people of Britain and America.

“Let there be no doubt that the people of the free world are engaged in a war,” said Shayler, suggesting however that the enemy is within and not simply radical Islamic terrorists. “In the next few years, we are either going to see the people of the free world rise up against these fascists, now setting the stage for global war, or we are going to see the end of democracy as we know it with martial law the end result.”

Shayler’s troubles with the British government in 1997 after he voluntarily left MI5 and blew the whistle, allegedly taking sensitive documents and accusing two MI6 agents, David Watson and Richard Bartlitt, of plotting to assassinate Mu’ammar al-Qadhafi of Libya in 1996.

He also accused MI5 of failing to warn or react to an impending terrorist attack on the Israeli Embassy in 1994.

After fleeing Britain, he was arrested in France, spending four months in a French jail and being held without charges being filed. Upon release, he won an extradition battle in the French courts, but voluntarily decided to return to England in 2000.

Upon his return, he was charged with violated England’s tough Official State Secrets Act, as a gag order was effectively placed on everything, including media coverage, surrounding his case.

“I was effectively never allowed to mount a defense or even show facts why I acted in the national interest,” said Shayler, being convicted in November of 2002 and sentenced to six months in jail, but only serving seven weeks of the sentence as well as seven weeks of house arrest.

Shayler, who joined MI5 in 1991 unable to find work as a journalist, said he was an unlikely candidate for the job, never thinking he would get hired after answering an advertisement hiding the true nature of the position.

“I was a journalist and came from an unlikely background for this type of work,” said Shayler. “I really didn’t know what the nature of the job was until the final round of interviews and I was shocked when I was hired.

“I stayed with MI5 until I saw the lies and corruption. All I wanted was to tell the truth, nothing more.”

Since his release from jail, Shayler has been busy on the lecture circuit and has released a book with author Annie Machon titled “Spies, Lies and Whistle Blowers.”

The book chronicles his falling out with MI5, what took place after he blew the whistle, life on the run in Europe and his arrest and imprisonment.

British Terrorism

March 6, 2006 at 11:26 am | Posted in Britain, Iran, Terrorism, UK | Leave a comment

British involvement in the Ahvaz bombings in southern Iran on the 15 October 2005 have once again escaped Western media attention, as has all the British involvement in bombings and political assassinations in Southern Iraq, despite two SAS terrorists being captured in the act in Basra in October of this year. The inability of a heavily self-centred media that is intrinsically linked to the British government is to be expected but the constant denials of reality, voiced, I have to say, by the majority of British people is staggering and borders on national delusion.

It ought to have occurred to the British public that their government’s foreign policy is malevolent, colonial and aggressive. It does not invade countries to free people – this is absurd: it invades country to pursue national self-interest. What inevitably ensues is genocide, terror and oppression.

Far from being a bastion of democracy, it is the exact opposite; it has consistently been against indigenous self-governance, free trade or national ownership of natural resources, it colonial during the Twentieth Century was greater than during the Nineteenth Century. The policy of neo-colonialism or the colonisation of national industries rather than nations and the installation of puppet regimes has proved far more effective than occupation. It is a policy that was adopted by the Americans but now is falling apart as exemplified by Iraq and Afghanistan.

The inability of the British public to accept the true nature of British foreign policy shows no sign of averting not one of the main political parties will ever concede British involvement in a contemporary act of terrorism, they will all admit to historic examples. But they will say: “that was then this is now” something which has been repeated by the major three political parties decade after decade.

For example whilst the SAS has many functions, however its primary function is as a terrorist organisation, whether in Northern Ireland, Rhodesia, Iraq or Iran, hardly any of the three SAS regiments’ activities are conducted during wars. Most of its assassinations, sabotage, bombings, kidnappings and reconnaissance mission occur in foreign countries that are not at war with the UK. Hence in international law they would constitute acts of terrorism. This is why there is a British parliamentary convention not to discuss special forces or intelligence services operations because they are in the main illegal.

The failure to understand the nature of British foreign policy has had disastrous repercussions for British domestic policy; Britain claims to be the victim of Irish terrorism, persistently failing to acknowledge that Irish Republican political violence was reciprocity for British political violence in Ireland and later Northern Ireland.

However it has far more serious consequences now, the bombing on the 7 July were known about in advance by the British government because a warning was given to the Israeli former prime minister and war criminal, Netanyahu in advance of both bombings, as anyone watching ITN on the 7 July or viewing the internet will recall. This has never been satisfactorily explained. Most people are prepared to ignore this and assume that the British government had no involvement in the bombings either directly or indirectly. It may well be the case that the bombings were not engineered by the British government and that the advance notice is being covered up simply to conceal the incompetence of British intelligence agencies but such an assumption cannot be made in advance of the facts.

The British government was quick to accuse Iran of involvement in the insurgency a claim denied by the Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister, Kurdish leader and Iraqi government officials , yet they expect the benefit of the doubt, even when they have a proven track record of perpetrating such acts of terrorism and maintain the SAS regiments to the that effect. If the British government can carry out a “terror outrage” in Iran and in Iraq, it can also do so in London.

Of course there will be the usual collection of block heads ready to denounce any suggestion of British complicity in the London bombings as a “conspiracy theory”, as if this discredits a legitimate line of enquiry. Yet there is a difference between an unfounded conspiracy theory, such as the British government’s claim that Iran was involved in insurgency in Southern Iraq (a claim from which they have now all but retreated from) and a conspiracy theory that is based upon sound evidence. There is certainly enough plausible evidence for this to be a legitimate line of enquiry.

Blair Retracts Threat Against Iran as British Terror Links Revealed

November 4, 2005 at 11:38 am | Posted in Iran, Terrorism | Leave a comment

Whilst the beleaguered unelected British Prime Minister, Tony Blair’s anti-Iranian rhetoric has only served to further weaken his position amongst the Parliamentary Labour Party and further isolate him from the national will. the British public are overwhelming opposed to any war with Iran.

Following, the democratically elected Iranian President’s echoing of Imam Khomeini’s (ra) 1979 call for “The Qods occupying regime must be eliminated from the surface of earth”, the British Prime Minister condemned the Iranian President’s anti Judeo-Facists comments and went on to accuse Iran of threatening international stability and supporting terrorism, he suggested that Iran must never be allowed to develop a nuclear weapons capability, an allegation that has been discredited by the IAEA’s report.

So bellicose were Blair’s remarks, that one of his own backbenchers demanded assurance as Prime Minister Question Time that military aggression against Iran was on the agenda. Blair was forced into a humiliating climb down: “First of all I did not talk either explicitly or implicitly about military threat to Iran but what I did say was this. Iran has to realise that the international community cannot tolerate continuing conduct that supporting terrorism round the world, frankly.”

However, the Blairite regime has, despite repeated parliamentary and journalist requests, failed to produce any evidence of Iranian involvement in insurgent attacks on British forces in Iraq or give a credible reason why such allegations were made.

The British government was further humiliated when the President of Iraq’s Kurdistan region Massoud Barzani attends a conference in London on 1st November, 2005, where he stressed there is no evidence of Iran’s involvement in Iraq’s unrest.

In another development further proof of British and American co-ordination of anti-Shia terrorist attacks was provided by 13 repentant members of the internationally proscribed terrorist group Mujahedin Khalq Organization (MKO) who returned home to Iran from Iraq on Wednesday with assistance from world rescue institutions. The returnees had requested the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) to facilitate their return to Iran.

The government of the Islamic Republic of Iran has announced that all repentant members of the terrorist group can return to the country and live ordinary lives, so long as they renounce terrorist activities. The families of the thirteen former MKO terrorist were reunited at Mehrabad International Airport, and were allowed to visit them in their hospitals were they were undergoing medical checks on their health.

IRNA reported, “some of the returnees expressed grave concern over the fate of other repentant MKO members who have not yet left Iraq. According to them, except for a limited number of terrorists acting in Iraq as US spies, intelligence agents and/or subversives, the majority of MKO members have expressed the desire to return to Iran. “

“A former commander of the `Liberation Army’, the military wing of the MKO, speaking to news agencies in the Swedish capital, Stockholm, on Tuesday said, “Nothing is known as to the whereabouts of 250 members of the MKO who have expressed the desire to leave Iraq and to return to Iran. “They are likely to have been detained at the MKO houses of detention in Iraq or delivered to the US and British troops for terrorist acts inside and outside Iraq or killed”

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