Saudis Funding and Supporting the Iraqi Insurgency

July 15, 2007 at 5:14 pm | Posted in Bush, Iraq, Monafiqeen-e-Khalq, Saudi Arabia, Terrorism, USA | 2 Comments

Saudi Prince Bandar bin Sultan the former Saudi ambassador to the U.S. and architect of Saudi and Zionist cooperation, stands accused of funding the terrorist group Monafiqeen-e-Khalq Organization, al-Qaeda in Iraq, Ansar al-Sunna and Fath al-Islam. Baztab Internet site reported that the Saudi terrorist financier attended a MKO congress in the groups Ashraf military camp and donated $750,000 to the outlawed terrorist group. 

This comes at a time when the U.S. government has released a report that states that 45% of all foreign fighters in Iraq are from Saudi Arabia, as are over half the foreign fighters in U.S. custody. Thus pouring scorn upon Bush’s claim that Iran is aiding the insurgency; in fact it is Saudi Arabia, with the implicit support of the United States government.  


MKO remains on European terror list

June 30, 2007 at 10:21 am | Posted in EU, Monafiqeen-e-Khalq, Terrorism | Leave a comment

The European and North American based Iranian terrorist group, the Monafiqeen-e-Khalq (MKO), is to remain on the new list of European Union terrorist groups. Last December The European Court of Justice annulled the EU decision to include the group on the proscribed organisations register in 2002 due to a procedural irregularity.

The Monafiqeen-e-Khalq had sought to legitimise itself by insisting that the court rejected the decision, yet as EU officials noted, the court did not fault the decision itself, just the manner in which is was taken.

Any other decision would have fundamentally undermined the EU’s international credibility.

War with Iran

February 17, 2007 at 7:06 pm | Posted in Afghanistan, Crusade, EU, Imperialism, Iran, IRGC, Islam, Media, Monafiqeen-e-Khalq, Propaganda, Shia, UK, USA, Zionism | 19 Comments

Despite the Bush administration’s sabre rattling, it is far from certain that the United States will go to war with Iran; in fact, there is every indication that it will not be able to do so during George W. Bush’s presidency. For it is important to recognise that for this current U.S. administration, diplomacy is war by other means. Their belligerence is not incidental, it is intentional; this administration is fundamentally Zionist and hegemonic, and have repeatedly demonstrated a disinclination for diplomacy where they believe strategic or ideological objectives could be realised through force of arms alone. Furthermore this administration is committed to the overthrow of the legitimate and democractically elected Iranian government (Iran Freedom and Support Act of 2005). From the Bush administration’s perspective, they are already at war with Iran; in fact, George W. Bush used his State of the Union Speech to emphasis that point, broadening the enemy to Shia Islam. Thus, this begs the question: why has this U.S. administration not already launched an attack against Iran?

If one sees the United States as already at war with Iran, as this administration does, then it is clear that they are losing. U.S. diplomacy and economic warfare has failed to prevent Iran from enriching uranium and will not stop Iran from continuing its nuclear fuel programme, as both the Bush administration and European Union have already conceded; in fact economic warfare has shown that Iran does not need European investment or European custom. Conversely, the European Union and Turkey are very venerable to an Iranian oil and gas embargo. Hence the avoidance of military action to date is very telling. It would be extraordinarily naïve to think that Bush has thus far been prevented from trying to emulate Alexander the Macedonian by the niceties of international law, which he ignored when he waged war on both Afghanistan and Iraq.

In fact, whilst the Bush administration has been able to manipulate a series of confrontations and fabricated confrontations with Iran to its advantage in the English speaking media – hence they have been able to present an image of Iran (and thus Islam) as inherently evil – there is still little domestic support in the United States for military action against Iran – U.S. public opinion is very much opposed to military action against Iran. Moreover, the speaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi has stipulated, George W. Bush categorically does not have the legal authority to launch a military attack on Iran, without the House’s approval. Thus the likelihood of war with Iran during George W. Bush’s presidency is not a measure of his intent; it is a measure of the willingness of the House of Representatives to authorise such a course. The Iranian government does not believe that they would and with good cause: any attack would run contrary to the U.S. national interest unless it brought about regime change in Iran and regional stability to the Middle East, which even the most optimistic of Pentagon military strategists do not envisage.

The U.S. military is currently hampered by its occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan; even were this not so, any U.S. force invading Iran would be heavily outnumbered. Moreover, whilst 52% of the U.S. military consists of badly trained and poorly motivated reservists and National Guard (46% of the US army in Iraq in 2005), Iran conversely has a highly motivated and well trained army, Pasdaran (IRGC), and Basij (volunteers), as well as an armed civilian population, with nearly every man having served two years in the military. The recent Israeli invasion of Lebanon saw the Iranian trained Hezbullah guerrilla force, outnumbered 20 to 1, yet they defeated the U.S. armed Israeli army in the battlefield within 34 days. That is a good indicator of the utter infeasibility of a U.S. invasion and occupation of Iran – the United States simply does not have the military capability.

Moreover, not only would the United States need exponentially more men under arms to occupy Iran than it presently has to commit, the likely reduction in Iranian oil and gas production on its own would send the energy markets spiralling out of control, however the consequences of an invasion are likely to lead to anarchy and insurgency throughout the Middle East. There are 200M Shia in the World over 100M situated in the Middle East, as the map indicates Shia are sitting on the majority of the World’s oil and natural gas reserves. Even most Saudi oil is situated is the predominately Shia Eastern Province, in the Qatif and Abu Sa’fah oil fields. A Shia uprising would certainly disrupt Middle Eastern oil and natural gas exports – most the World’s natural gas reserves are held by Russia, Iran and Azerbaijan – and both the U.S. and European economies are utterly dependent on Middle Eastern oil. For this reason, any U.S. military attack on Iran that threatens Middle Eastern oil exports would be economic suicide.

Therefore the most likely scenario for a U.S. military attack would be an aerial assault against the nuclear facilities in Bushehr, Arak, and Natanz in the aim of destroying them. However, it is hard to see what strategic benefit this would be: at the most this would only set Iran’s nuclear energy programme back, although the Israeli attack on the Iraq nuclear facilities in Osirak in June of 1981 failed to set back Iraq’s nuclear programme. Iran would still have the technology and would be able to resume its nuclear energy programme unabated outside of the auspicious of the IAEA.

Moreover, Iran would almost certainly respond militarily. Iran has already demonstrated this week the ability to sink U.S. warships in the Persian Gulf at will and thus block off the passage of oil through the Strait of Hormuz. The situation in Iraq is precarious enough for the U.S. military, were the United States at war with Iran, the Shia population would rise up and the situation would be unmanageable. Furthermore, Iranian forces can easily cross the border into Iraq, should they so desire and U.S. military bases in Iraq, Afghanistan and Azerbaijan are venerable to Iranian missile attacks. Even were Iran only initially to target the U.S. military in Iraq, the potential for escalation is obvious. Thus once again raising the prospect of a conflict that would destabilise the entire Middle East, which the United States cannot afford. Hence it is more likely that the Bush administration will to continue to support terrorist attacks in Iran by groups like Monafiqeen-e-Khalq and Jundullah under the guise of the Iran Freedom and Support Act of 2005, since these are deniable and unlikely to provoke a severe response.

Recalling the Bush administration’s view that diplomacy is war by other means – whilst attacking Iran would require an even greater degree of folly than the occupation of Iraq – the more unlikely it is, the keener they will be to inflate the possibility. This strategy is foolhardy and risks the law of unintended consequence. This said it is still hard to envisage the House of Representatives disregarding all reason and authorising a military attack on Iran during Bush’s presidency.

Belgium Foreign Minister criticises senators for supporting terrorism

October 27, 2006 at 10:07 am | Posted in Iran, Monafiqeen-e-Khalq, Terrorism | 2 Comments

Following a protest from Iran, Belgium’s foreign minister Karel de Gucht, has condemned utterly the meeting between Belgian senators and Maryam Rajavi, leader of the Paris-based terrorist group the MKO.

Belgian news agency, BELGA, quoted de Gucht as saying such measures undermine Belgium’s position in fight against terrorism.

Belgian foreign minister expressed regret over the meeting between Belgian officials and leader of the MKO terrorist group, saying Monafeghin group have carried out terrorist operations and have practiced torture in different parts of the world while they are on the US and EU terrorist list.

De Gucht added Belgium cannot permit the wastage of its diplomatic credit through gestures which do not serve the cause of democracy and undermines the consistency of Belgium’s policy.

Reporting Iran

October 24, 2006 at 1:21 pm | Posted in Human Rights, Iran, Media, Monafiqeen-e-Khalq | 6 Comments

Most of what is reported in the Western media about Iran is negative – how much of that do you suppose to be true? How much racist, how much propaganda and how much analysis from those who have never so much as visited Iran?

For instance, lets look at Human Rights: the British media heavily quotes Amnesty International’s and Human Rights Watch’s plethora of reports on the country.

Yet ask the authors of these reports, how many Iranian jails and cities they visited in the course of their research. You might be surprised to find that the answer is none!!!

A fact normally obscured in a small footnote, as it is on the USA State Dept report on Iran. All these stories on Iran cite dissidents. In other words, individuals like former SAVAK agent, Amir Taheri or dubious characters like Shirin Ebadi and Akbar Ganji, who are not above sharing a platform the MeK and the KDPI, who are erronously described as “opposition groups”. Although neither of these terror cults has any political support in Iran. They are no more an “opposition” in Iran than the 7th July bombers are in Britain.

Thus AI and HRW reports are awash with factually inaccruate stories about terrorists, murderer, rapists and traitors, who have been sentenced to death. You might have seen petitions on the net.

Would the British government release Ian Huntley because of a petition signed by a million Iranians?

The purpose of the petition is not to get the convicted criminal reprieved; it is a propaganda exercise, the purpose of which, is to manipualte those who sign the petition into developing an emotional involvement, so they will be less likely to question the facts, and more suspectible to anti Iranian propaganda.

Supporters of Endless Wars in Congress, II

October 12, 2006 at 1:19 am | Posted in Iran, Monafiqeen-e-Khalq, Terrorism | 2 Comments

Many of the MEK supporters were not even Iranians

By Paul Sheldon Foote

Al-Jazeerah, September 18, 2005

In my article, Supporters of Endless Wars in Congress ( , September 13, 2005), I expressed my opposition to the Democrats and Republicans in Congress who have sponsored or have co-sponsored the Iran Freedom Support Act. If this act becomes law, then the American taxpayers will be paying millions of dollars to support Iranian groups claiming to be pro-democracy.

The American neo-conservatives (neo-Trotskyites) in the American Congress support America’s use of military force and of other means to impose communist or totalitarian governments in the world in the name of democracy. Vice President Richard Cheney has been discussing the possibility of dropping nuclear bombs on Iran. Any Iranian living outside of Iran who supports America’s dropping nuclear bombs on Iran should be deported to Iran so that they can enjoy America’s exporting of nuclear bomb democracy, too. Vice President Cheney and the evil members of Congress who support the Iran Freedom Support Act should not be supported by any Iranian, American, or by any person in the world who possesses an ounce of decency.

With my satellite dish, I was able to watch the MEK channel’s coverage of the MEK protest near the United Nations on September 14, 2005. I was able to see the large number of red and white MEK flags with communist symbols being waved by the MEK supporters. Many of the MEK supporters were not even Iranians. As Kenneth Timmerman has shown in his posted photographs, the MEK paid large numbers of non-Iranians from other countries to come to America for a free trip. Now that Saddam Hussein is no longer in power, there are no longer millions of dollars of money being given to the MEK through the United Nations Oil-for-Food Program. Who is financing the MEK now? You still have nearly 4,000 MEK fighters in Camp Ashraf, Iraq who must be supported.

Unfortunately, Americans who watch the evening television news or read their local newspapers are unlikely to have seen the communist flags of the MEK flying in New York City.

Fortunately, Kenneth Timmerman took photographs of two protest groups (the MEK and the monarchists) and reported the names of the other protest groups protesting at different times or locations near the United Nations. Please see:

As Kenneth Timmerman noted, the MEK is on the terrorist list in America for a good reason. The MEK has a long history of acts of terrorism, including the murders of Americans in Iran and a terrorist attack in America in 1992. MEK fighters at Camp Ashraf, Iraq have held annual celebrations of the murders of these Americans. In Iraq, the MEK’s terrorist acts and war crimes include forcing Iraqis to stand in roads so that MEK tanks could run over and crush to death innocent Iraqis. MEK leaders wanted to save all MEK bullets for the invasion of Iran. Why does the MEK need to invade Iran? The reason is that there is nearly zero support for the MEK in Iran.

Unlike Kenneth Timmerman, however, I have only contempt also for the Iranian monarchists. I was in Tehran, Iran in the summer of 1976 when the late Shah of Iran explained on Iranian television why he had abolished all political parties and had replaced all Iranian political parties with one party, the Resurgence Party. After the Soviet Union and the United Kingdom forced Reza Shah to go into exile and placed the Shah of Iran on the throne, the Shah of Iran promised the Iranian people that he would give them a constitutional monarchy similar to that of the United Kingdom’s. The Shah of Iran lied. The Shah of Iran gave the Iranian people a one-party state with an absolute monarchy and a lot of corruption.

I do not support one-party systems of government anywhere in the world. The neo-conservatives (neo-Trotskyites) and American members of Congress who claim that the MEK and the Iranian monarchists are pro-democracy are liars.

President Ahmadinejad received the votes of a very large number of Iranians. There never was an election of Maryam Rajavi. Why do MEK leaders lie by claiming that she is the president-elect of Iran? MEK supporters were very active in the brutalizing of American hostages at the American Embassy in Tehran, Iran. When I was a doctoral student at Michigan State University, I attended MEK meetings. Some of the MEK students left the university to return to Iran to help the MEK supporters holding Americans hostage.

The MEK was founded in 1965 to oust the Shah of Iran from power. The Shah of Iran executed or killed in gun battles most of the original MEK leaders, except for Massoud Rajavi. The MEK is opposed to all Iranian governments except for a communist totalitarian state under the rule of Massoud Rajavi. Even the New York Times has reported about the future Pol Pot of Iran:

“This past winter in Iran, when such a popular outburst among students and others was still just a dream, if you mentioned the Mujahedeen, those who knew and remembered the group laughed at the notion of it spearheading a democracy movement. Instead, they said, the Rajavis, given the chance, would have been the Pol Pot of Iran.”

–Elizabeth Rubin, “The Cult of Rajavi”, New York Times Magazine, July 13, 2003

The neo-conservatives (neo-Trotskyites) and the Democrats and Republicans in Congress who support the Iran Freedom Support Act are the worst terrorists in the world today. They threaten to drop nuclear bombs on Iran and impose another Pol Pot. Pol Pot was able to murder only approximately 25% to 33% of his people until the communist government of Vietnam sent its military to stop the genocide by the communist Pol Pot.

America does not want to bomb Iran and to impose the MEK because of democracy. Instead, the Iranian people want to be free to (1) sell their oil in Euros instead of using American dollars and (2) to start an oil exchange in 2006 instead of using oil exchanges in New York.

The truth is that there is more capitalism and democracy in Iran and in many other countries today than there is in America. America’s political leaders are attempting to impose a communist government in Iran today (just as they did in 1959 in Cuba with Fidel Castro, the “George Washington of Cuba”). America is making these threats against Iran (and warnings against people in other countries who dare to be free). Most Americans do not understand yet how the neo-conservatives (neo-Trotskyites) in the Democratic and Republican parties are destroying America. They do not know that countries other than Iraq and Iran will stop using the American dollar or making investments in America. When there is a major depression in America or another terrorist attack in America, American dupes will have a choice: become educated and oust the neo-conservative (neo-Trotskyite) Democrats and Republicans or respond by bombing every country in the world refusing to hold American dollars and have American-supported totalitarians as their leaders.

Recommended Books on the MEK (Rajavi Cult)

Singleton, Anne, Saddam’s Private Army: How Rajavi Changed Iran’s Mojahedin from Armed Revolutionaries to an Armed Cult, Iran-Interlink (UK), 2003. ISBN: 0-9545009-0-3.

Available from the United Kingdom:

This is the best single book available today on the MEK. Unfortunately, no American publisher is promoting this book in America. You must order it from the United Kingdom. The British author and her Iranian husband spent approximately 20 years inside the MEK, including time at Camp Ashraf, Iraq. She included extensive discussions of cult techniques and of why it is difficult to leave the MEK (Rajavi Cult) even in the United Kingdom.

Banisadr, Masoud, Masoud: Memoirs of an Iranian Rebel, Saqi Books, 2004. ISBN 0863563740

Available from many sources in America, such as:

This Iranian author spent nearly 20 years of his life in the MEK, including at Camp Ashraf, Iraq. He described brainwashing and torture of MEK cult members at Camp Ashraf, Iraq. Unlike some MEK cult members, he did not die from the punishment. After leaving the MEK (Rajavi Cult), he wrote a lengthy book explaining exactly how the MEK finds new members and how it brainwashes and tortures its members. Abrahamian, Ervand, The Iranian Mojahedin, Yale University Press, New Haven, Connecticut, 1989. ISBN 0-300-05267-7

Available from many sources in America, such as:

While this book has not been updated since 1989, it contains the scholarly research of an Iranian-American professor who interviewed Massoud Rajavi and other MEK leaders.Democracy Betrayed: A Response to U.S. State Department Report on the Mojahedin and the Iranian Resistance, Foreign Affairs Committee, National Council of Resistance of Iran, B.P. 18, 95430 Auvers-sur-Oise, France,1995.Available for free downloading from some Web sites of the MEK or of MEK supporters, such as:

This is my favorite of the free books the MEK and its front groups have posted online because: (1) this book is an excellent example of how communist groups claim to be democratic. The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and the People’s Republic of China are examples of totalitarian countries claiming to be democratic (2) this book contains some of the names of the members of Congress the MEK likes, such as Senator John Kerry, 2004 Democratic Party candidate for President.

Recommended Web Sites about the MEK (Rajavi Cult)


This is Anne Singleton’s Web site in the United Kingdom. The content includes extensive documentation about the MEK (Rajavi Cult), stories of cult members who have escaped from the MEK, and a lot of European documents the American neo-conservatives (neo-Trotskyites) do not want Americans to read. Iran Didban

This Iranian Web site contains massive amounts of documents on the MEK (Rajavi Cult) in English, French, Arabic, and in Persian (Farsi).

Traitors USA

My Yahoo! Group contains all of my postings plus the postings of members who choose to join the group.

At Traitors USA, I welcome researched postings by MEK supporters and opponents. I look forward to seeing your researched posting at Traitors USA.

Khoda hafez shoma,

Professor Paul Sheldon Foote

California State University, Fullerton PO Box 6848 800 North State College Fullerton, CA 92834-6848 USA

Religious Freedom and Dissent

March 15, 2006 at 4:03 pm | Posted in Monafiqeen-e-Khalq | Leave a comment

Channel 4 News described Grand Ayatullah Montazeri as a senior cleric, dissident and heir apparent to Imam Khomeini (ra); they further described his current situation as living under house arrest although they conceded that he is allowed to leave Qom, preach and criticise the Iranian government. They did not make much of the fact that he was allowed to give an interview to a British state-regulated terrestrial TV channel, at a time when the Iranian government has officially accused Britain of sponsoring terrorism within Iran, notwithstanding that Grand Ayatullah Montazeri was charged by the late Imam Khomeini (ra) with giving succour to the terrorist organisation, Mojahedin-e Khalq.

The reporter Jon Snow, implied that Grand Ayatullah Montazeri found himself in his current predicament for championing human rights and his supports for an opposition group. The group referred to is Mojahedin-e Khalq, the bizarre nihilistic religious cult. Grand Ayatullah Montazeri gave succour to this organisation just after they carried out a terrorist attack (Operation eternal light) assisted by Saddam Hussein’s Baathist regime against Iran. The terrorist organisation that currently enjoys the backing of the United States is responsible for killing more civillians in Iran and Iraq than the total number of civillians killed in the attacks on the United States on the 11 September 2001.

In Britain, Islamic clerics and leaders are regularly denounced as preachers of hate, terrorists and extremists, by all organs of the British establishment, including but not limited to: the unelected Prime Minister (de facto dictator), the Government, the Church of England, the Home Office (ministry of the interior), Parliamentarians, the Police, Crown Prosecution Service and by both the state controlled and the semi-official media. Yet to date, only two successful prosecutions have been brought against such individuals. Abu Hamza, a Wahhabi cleric and al-Qaeda sympathiser, was incarcerated on trumped up charges, purely to appease a notoriously Islamophobic Zionist media magnate, Rupert Murdoch, who had been waging a hate campaign against, Hamza, who is somewhat of an absurd Quixotic and inconsequential figure with minimal following.

Whilst the governing Labour party is not ostensibly committed to Zionism, the Government is manifestly so, and its Islamophobia is equally apparent. Thus it has been the political authorities rather than legal authorities that have spearheaded the persecution of Muslims. Numerous Muslim clerics and political leader have been incarcerated in Belmarsh gaol, placed under house arrest, and subject to draconian and oppressive control orders, all without trial and often these individuals are not only banned from communicating with the outside World, the media may not even identify these individuals. None of these individuals is deemed to present a risk to the British public but to foreign allies of the British government, in many cases they are defenders of Palestinian or Algerian resistance movements. Both nations are illegally occupied by tyrannical undemocratic regimes sponsored by the West .

Channel 4 News was able to carry out an interview with Grand Ayatullah Montazeri, in stark contrast to the situation in Britain. The conditions of control orders imposed upon Grand Ayatullah Montazeri are favourable to the restrictions imposed upon British Muslim clerics. It is the supreme leader Grand Ayatullah Khamenei (ha), who ensures Grand Ayatullah Montazeri and his followers personal safety.

Here is the letter by Imam Khomeini (ra) dismissing Grand Ayatullah Montazeri dated 6 Farvardin 1368, which is regarded as both a pardon and warning:

In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate.

To Mr. Montazeri.

My heart is broken and filled with blood now that I am writing a few words to you. Perhaps one day the people will realize the facts by reading this letter.

In your recent letter to me, you said that, in accordance with the Shari’ah, you give priority to my views over your own. I consider Allah my witness when I point out the following issues:

Since it has become clear that after me you are going to hand over this country, our dear Islamic revolution, and the Muslim people of Iran to the liberals, and through that channel to the hypocrites [Mojahedin-e Khalq], you are no longer eligible to succeed me as the legitimate leader of the state. You, in most of your letters, speeches and stances, have shown that you believe the liberals and hypocrites [Mojahedin-e Khalq] should rule in this country. It is so clear that your remarks have been dictated by the hypocrites [Mojahedin-e Khalq] that I did not see any point in sending a reply. For instance, thanks to your speeches and written work, the hypocrites [Mojahedin-e Khalq] took advantage of your stance in defense of their ilk to promote a number of their comrades—who had been condemned to death on charges of waging an armed struggle against Islam and the revolution—to positions of authority. Can you see what valuable services you have offered to arrogance? On the issue of the murderer Mahdi Hashemi, you considered him to be the most religious person on earth. Despite the fact that it was proved to you that he was a murderer, you kept sending messages to me to spare his life. There are so many other examples, similar to that of Mahdi Hashemi, that I cannot be bothered to mention them all.

You no longer have the power of attorney on my behalf. Tell the people who bring you gold and money to take them to Mr. Pasandideh’s residence in Qom or to me in Jamaran. Praise be to Allah, you yourself will not have any financial commitments from this date.

If, in accordance with the Shari’ah, you do consider my views to be superior to yours (which certainly the hypocrites [Mojahedin-e Khalq] will advise you that it is against your interests to do so; and no doubt you will become busy writing things which will further deteriorate your future), then you should listen to the following words of advice I am giving you. It breaks my heart and my chest is full of agonizing pain when I see that you, the fruit of my life’s labour, are so ungrateful. However, by relying on Almighty Allah, I give you the following words of advice, and it will be up to you whether you make a note of them or not:

One: Try to change the members of your bureau so as to avoid feeding the hypocrites, Mahdi Hashemi’s clique, and the liberals from the sacred charity funds donated to the Imam.

Two: Since you are a gullible [sadeh lowh] person and are provoked easily, do not interfere in political matters, and maybe then Allah will forgive you for your sins.

Three: Do not write to me ever again, and do not allow the hypocrites [Mojahedin-e Khalq] to pass state secrets to foreign radio stations.

Four: Since you became a mouthpiece of the hypocrites and your speeches have conveyed their wishes and letters to the people via the mass media, you have inflicted heavy blows on Islam and the revolution. This is a great act of treason against the unknown soldiers of the Lord of the Age, [al Mahdi] may our souls be sacrificed for him, and against the sacrifices made by the illustrious martyrs of Islam and the revolution. If you wish to save yourself from hell fire, you had better confess to all your sins and mistakes and maybe then Allah will help you.

I swear to Allah that from the start I was against choosing you as my successor, but at the time I did not realize you were so gullible. To me you were not a resourceful manager but an educated person who could benefit the religious seminaries. If you continue your deeds I will definitely be obliged to do something about you. And you know me, I never neglect my obligation.

I swear to Allah that I was against appointing Mahdi Bazargan as the first prime minister, too, but I considered him to be a decent person. I also swear to Allah that I did not vote for Bani-Sadr, as the president either. On all these occasions I submitted to the advice of my friends. In the midst of my pain and suffering, I wish to address our dear people from the bottom of my broken heart:

I have made a pledge with my God not to forgive evil individuals ever, if I am not obliged to do so. I have made a pledge with my Allah that pleasing Him is much greater priority than pleasing my friends and other people. If the entire world were to rise against me, I would never abandon justice and the truth. I do not care about history and current developments. I am only interested in performing my religious duties. In addition to my pledge with Allah, I have promised the decent, noble, and honest people to inform them of the facts when the time is appropriate. Islam’s history is full of instances of treason by its prominent figures against Islam. Try to make sure that you are not influenced by the lies broadcast by foreign radio stations. These radio stations dictate their lies with so much joy and enthusiasm these days. I beseech Almighty Allah to grant patience and tolerance to this old father of the dear Iranian people. I beseech Allah to forgive me and to take me away from this world so that I no longer have to experience the bitter taste of my friends’ treachery. We all submit to Allah’s will. We have no power without Allah’s will. Everything comes from Him.

Wishing you peace,

Ruhollah al-Musavi al-Khomeini

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